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The Cootie Catcher Project

by Bailey Jacobson & Jane Pigliacelli

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The Cootie Catcher Project was a collaboration performance with Jane Pigliacelli using handmade fiber materials.  We discussed a desire to engage with CTA passengers through the use of a game from our childhoods.  We each constructed a cootie catcher using black cotton fabrics, structural backing, and embroidery floss.  This object was then utilized as a tool to initiate conversations with strangers riding the Chicago Blue to ask the questions.  Through the randomized selection process of the game participants received one of the following words which finished the question What makes you feel... powerful, powerless, joy, sorrow, peaceful, restless, successful or failure.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


by Bailey Jacobson & Jane Pigliacelli

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This collaborative performance with Jane Pigliacelli grew out a discussion in which we both acknowledged tensions and apprehensions in our personal lives, school work, and art making.  We reflected on the commonalities of our feelings.  We are both interested in story-telling and sought a way to relate our expereince to that of other people through fibers and embroidery. 


The performance was conducted publically for approximately 10 minutes.  Using our bodies as sculpture we stood in close proxminity with our eye cast downward.  We dressed simlilarly in white t-shirts embellished with the prompt I feel anxious when...  Viewers were envited to use fabric markers to repsond to the prompt on the t-shirts/our bodies.  We also repsonded to the statement with embroidered mouth covers with explinations of things that make us anxious.  We plan to take the repsonses of the audience and embroidered over the text. 


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Flash Mob Freeze

by Anna Festa, Bailey Jacobson & Mary Warbelow

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