DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Student Assessment Task Prompts: Eighth Grade




  • Perceive:
    • What is the content of the contemporary public work of art?
    • What stylistic characteristics did the contemporary artist use?
    • What techniques did the contemporary artist use?
  • Analyze: How does the contemporary public artwork relate to a specific group’s identity?
  • Identify:
    • Why was the piece originally installed?
    • Who originally commissioned the public work of art?
    • Who was the artist’s intended audience?
    • Who currently maintains the piece?
    • How do viewers interact with public art and the space in which it is displayed?
    • What activities do the viewers engage in in the space surrounding the piece?



  • What may have been the contemporary artist’s intention when creating the piece?
  • Does the contemporary work of art help us understand about different places, times and cultures? How?
  • How do viewers interpret contemporary public artwork and the space in which it is displayed?
  • How do the contemporary artists convey meaning through use of subject matter, visual elements, formal composition, media and relevant contextual information?
  • Identify and explain the different ways art is used to represent, establish, reinforce and reflect group identity.
  • What criteria are used to evaluate contemporary artworks?
  • What are the crucial components of an exhibition narrative?



  • What are the early stages of my creative process as I generate ideas for my art-making?
  • What contemporary art-making practices do I use while experimenting, planning and making my art?
  • How does my artwork relate to the theme important to my group?
  • How have I experimented and taken risks with ideas and forms throughout my art-making process?
  • What are the characteristics of quality for contemporary art practices? How have I applied these criteria while making and revising my artwork?


Connecting: Create an Artist Statement


  • How does my work of art, its subject matter, formal composition and my choice of media reflect upon the theme chosen by my group?
  • How does my work of art represent, establish, reinforce and reflect my group’s identity?


Presenting: Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artworks for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.