DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Student Assessment Task Prompts: High School Accomplished




Performance Standard: VA:Re7.2.lla: Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feeling and behaviors of specific audiences.


Key Traits: Document and analyze responses to the original work of art or design and the new work of art or design.



  • What is an image?
  • Where and how do we encounter images in our world?
  • How do images influence our views of the world?

Performance Standard VA:Re9.1.lla: Determine by relevance of criteria used by others to evaluate a work of art or collection of works.


Key Traits:

  • Provide rationale for criteria used in evaluating the work of art or design.
  • Provide rationale and compare/contrast personal criteria and goals for the work with criteria developed by peers.
  • Analyze relevance of various criteria to understand and evaluate the work.


  • How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art?
  • How and why might criteria vary?
  • How is personal preference different from an evaluation?
  • Does criteria differ between traditional and contemporary art? Why?


  • How do life experiences influence the way you relate to art?
  • Should life experiences be used when creating relevant criteria? Why? 


  • Does the viewer’s response/interaction with public works of art influence the way you view the art? Why?
  • Have you found that your interaction with a public work of art has influenced the interaction of other visitors who share the same space? Explain.



Performance Standard VA:Cn10.1.lla: Utilize inquiry methods of observation, research and experimentation to explore unfamiliar subjects through art-making.


Key Traits: Use research methods and experimentation to explore ways to formulate a new creative problem based on the existing work.



  • How does public art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places and cultures?
  • How does public art help us understand the lives of people from our own community?
  • How is public art used to impact the views of a society?
  • How does public art preserve aspects of life?
  • How does public art preserve aspects of a particular community



Performance Standard VA:Cr1.1.lla: Individually or collaboratively formulate new creative problems based on student’s existing artwork.


Key Traits:

  • Develop plans to alter an existing personal artwork that addresses a new creative problem. 


  • What conditions, attitudes and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking?
  • What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?
  • How does collaboration expand the creative process?

Performance Standard VA:Cr1.2.lla: Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design.


Key Traits:

  • Identify potential materials, methods and practices for making works of art or design.
  • Select and explain choices for materials, methods and practices for addressing creative problems.


  • How does knowing the contexts, histories and traditions of art forms help us create works of art and design?
  • Why do artists follow or break from established traditions?
  • How do artists determine what resources and criteria are needed to formulate artistic investigation? 

Performance Standard VA:Cr2.1.lla: Through experimentation, practice, and persistence demonstrate acquisition of skills and knowledge in a chosen art form.


Key Traits:

  • Document the evolution from the original work of art or design to the new work of art or design.
  • Analyze and reflect on personal growth in skills and knowledge; set goals for new artistic problem.


  • How do artists work?
  • How do artists and designers determine whether a particular direction in their work is effective?
  • How do artists and designers learn from trial and error?

Performance Standard VA:Cr3.1.lla: Engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect upon, re-engage, revise and refine works of art and design in response to personal artistic vision.


Key Traits:

  • Experience, interpret, apply criteria and share insights about in-progress work of other students.
  • Understand and reflect on ideas and insights of others about personal work
  • Plan and make revisions to in-progress art to further manifest personal artistic vision.


  • What role does persistence, play in revising, refining and developing work?
  • How do artists grow and become accomplished in art forms?
  • How does collaboratively reflecting on a work help us experience it more fully and develop it more completely?



Performance Standard VA:Pr5.1.lla: Evaluate, select and apply methods or processes appropriate to display artwork in a specific place.


Key Traits:

  • Select and apply appropriate methods for presenting personal artwork.
  • Collaboratively plan an exhibition to display the personal art works.
  • Create an artist statement and exhibition narrative to include with the exhibition. 


  • What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation and preservation?
  • How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer?
  • What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection?


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.